Sunday, May 15, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 9

      This AP Language and Composition course was not as hard as I thought it would be. The people in this class were people that I have been with throughout high school. I really enjoy being in class with them there was never a boring moment in this class. This course could also get to the point where the class as a whole would play entirely too much and that was the only thing I did not like about this course. This course has a really great teacher and he did prepare us well. He set some standards well above what was expected. At times it did seem like he expected us to know things that we were not taught correctly. If I could take this course again I would not but I do wish that my future English Literature and Composition teacher was the same as my English Language and Composition teacher. I would love for us to be together again.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 8

 Overall the ACT was not very difficult. In my opinion i am not a good test taker. So the biggest problem i had was staying focused on the test in general. English is not my strongest subject, but i studied more on English so that i would be better prepared and focused. Overall i do not think that B. C. Rain High School prepared me enough for this test. Being in AP just makes my teachers think it is about AP only. There are only a few teachers that i can say actually helped me prepare for this exam.   I was in a room full of people who actually tried and they wanted to do good on the test. Besides maybe one person everyone was focused which made me focus. I think i scored well not a specific number but i think i did well enough to make the benchmark. Also on every section besides science and writing i ran out of time on with about 3-4 questions left. Honestly i studied for this test. The best thing that i did was i installed an app called Prep4ACT. This app really was reason i think i did so well if everyone had that app no one would do bad on the ACT.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 6

Kindness to me means to do anything possible to make others happy. When I am nice to others I feel like I am impacting someone's life. When I see strangers I always smile at them, I feel really nice when they smile back at me. The nicest thing anyone ever did for me would have to be when family gives me advice. When I get advice from family members I never listen but it is always correct. When someone tells me thank you I feel really appreciated and I feel like I am important to others. If I had a million dollars most of my money would be saved for me, my sister, my mother, and my neighborhood.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 5

Cassie Pichot
123 4th Street
Bayonne, Louisiana
06 March 1941
Dear Governor Johnson,
        I have been living in Bayonne, Louisiana all my life. My father is Henri Pichot, well that is what my mother tells me. My mother is Inez Payne. She has been working Henri Pichot for years. I feel that when my father dies that I will be left with nothing. I know for a fact that he will not leave anything for my mother. It is obvious because he has never even acknowledged me as his daughter. I am 20 years old and I just finished school last year. I am not the smartest girl but I still tried my hardest in school. I found a job working for the sheriff and his wife, I have been working for them for three years now and things could not get better.
           Now, the reason I write this letter is to tell about Jeffrey. I have been knowing Jefferson for the last 20 years of my life. I know what everyone thinks he did, well I am saying that Jefferson would never do anything like that. Jefferson is a very loving person. I went to school with him and it took us both a while to finish school. He is the only person that believed in me. He gave me motivation and faith, but he is also my one and only true love. It is very difficult to know that my love is locked away and will soon be killed.
         Therefore, I would love if it was possible for his sentence to be reduced. I do not want him to die. I will visit him one million times while he is in jail, everyone knows he did not commit that horrible crime. Jefferson is my true love and I know he would never do anything like that. I will be extremely grateful if just a life sentence is given. Thank you so much for reading this letter.
Cassie Pichot

Monday, February 29, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4c

Chapter 18 Quote( pg 136)
"Don't it look nice? Ain't this much better?"
1) Does the quotation provide detail about the setting?
This quote does provide detail about the setting. This is simply telling about how nice the room is compared to the cell that Jefferson was in.
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character?
This quote does characterize Paul. This shows that Paul cares about this family unlike the sheriff. Paul wants them to see Jefferson outside of the cell, and he helps make that happen.
Chapter 19 Quote( pg 142)
"It was cold and it rained for two weeks preceding our Christmas program."
1) Does the quotation provide detail about the setting?
This quote does provide detail. This quote tells about how the weather was before Christmas.
2) Does the quotation indicate a conflict?
This quote indicates external conflict. This quote shows how the weather is before Christmas. It is a console because it is something that no one can control.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4b

Chapter 16 Quote (pg 122)
"Corn for a hog"
"Corn for a hog? A hog, Jefferson? You ain't no hog, Jefferson. You ain't no hog"
1) Does the quotation indicate a conflict?
  This quote does indicate conflict. Jefferson has conflict with himself. He calls himself a pig in front of Miss. Emma, he has so much internal conflict he just does not care about what goes on outside of jail. He does not see himself as a human at all and he wants to make that clear to everyone.
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, of another character?
  This quote does characterize Jefferson, He has no faith. He does not believe that there is life outside of jail, he does not believe that people care for him. He did not realize how much people love him.
Chapter 17 Quote (pg 127)
"This jailhouse food 'nough to kill a man."
"Then don't eat out,"
"What? And starve to death? Uh-uh"
1) Does the quotation provide detail about the setting?
This quote provides detail about the setting because the prisoner tells about the food. Apparently if it is enough to kill a man then it has to be pretty bad. The fact that he complains about the food and still eats it makes this quote seem more funny than serious. This did not classify the time period because a prisoner could say that at anytime.
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character?
This quote characterizes the prisoner. He is still humorous even though he is in jail. He most likely has a lot more faith than Jefferson.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4a

Chapter 14 ( A Lesson Before Dying) Quotes
" You ought to find something to do on Sunday. Like going to church. "
" I know you believe "
" You don't want to, but I know you do. "
" The only thing I believe in is loving you. "
1) Does the quotation relate to a theme?
These quotes have two themes. One would be religion and the other would be love. It would be religion because Vivian wants Grant to go to church. Love would be the other theme because Grant really wants to show how much love he has for Vivian by telling her that, " The only thing I believe in is loving you. "
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character?
These quotes characterize Grant and Vivian's relationship. This shows how Vivian wants the best for Grant by encouraging him to attend church. Grant after being silent tells about his love for her and that shows how much they really love each other.