Friday, February 26, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4b

Chapter 16 Quote (pg 122)
"Corn for a hog"
"Corn for a hog? A hog, Jefferson? You ain't no hog, Jefferson. You ain't no hog"
1) Does the quotation indicate a conflict?
  This quote does indicate conflict. Jefferson has conflict with himself. He calls himself a pig in front of Miss. Emma, he has so much internal conflict he just does not care about what goes on outside of jail. He does not see himself as a human at all and he wants to make that clear to everyone.
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, of another character?
  This quote does characterize Jefferson, He has no faith. He does not believe that there is life outside of jail, he does not believe that people care for him. He did not realize how much people love him.
Chapter 17 Quote (pg 127)
"This jailhouse food 'nough to kill a man."
"Then don't eat out,"
"What? And starve to death? Uh-uh"
1) Does the quotation provide detail about the setting?
This quote provides detail about the setting because the prisoner tells about the food. Apparently if it is enough to kill a man then it has to be pretty bad. The fact that he complains about the food and still eats it makes this quote seem more funny than serious. This did not classify the time period because a prisoner could say that at anytime.
2) Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character?
This quote characterizes the prisoner. He is still humorous even though he is in jail. He most likely has a lot more faith than Jefferson.

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