Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 8

 Overall the ACT was not very difficult. In my opinion i am not a good test taker. So the biggest problem i had was staying focused on the test in general. English is not my strongest subject, but i studied more on English so that i would be better prepared and focused. Overall i do not think that B. C. Rain High School prepared me enough for this test. Being in AP just makes my teachers think it is about AP only. There are only a few teachers that i can say actually helped me prepare for this exam.   I was in a room full of people who actually tried and they wanted to do good on the test. Besides maybe one person everyone was focused which made me focus. I think i scored well not a specific number but i think i did well enough to make the benchmark. Also on every section besides science and writing i ran out of time on with about 3-4 questions left. Honestly i studied for this test. The best thing that i did was i installed an app called Prep4ACT. This app really was reason i think i did so well if everyone had that app no one would do bad on the ACT.

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